Koochiching County

Koochiching County Courthouse - International Falls, MN


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Koochiching County is the second largest county in area next to Saint Louis County. It is also one of the youngest counties in the state having been created in 1906 after it was separated from Itasca County. The name "Koochiching" comes from either the Ojibwe word Gojijiing or Cree Kocicihk (recorded in some documents as "Ouchichiq"), both meaning "at the place of inlets," referring to the neighboring Rainy Lake and River. Reverend J.A. Gilfillan recorded their meaning, "according to some, Neighbor lake, according to others a lake somewhere," possibly referring to the neighbouring Rainy Lake and to Lake Couchiching located in southern Ontario. Early European (French) inhabitants gave the names Lac à la Pluie (Rainy Lake) and Rivière à la Pluie (Rainy River) to the nearby bodies of water because of the mist-like rain present at the falls of Rainy River and then to the settlement that became known as International Falls. About 10,000 years ago almost 90% of Koochiching County was covered by Lake Agassiz. When it receded it left low areas of decayed vegetation (muskeg); as a result, three-quarters of northern Koochiching are underlain with 2 to 50 feet of peat. - courtesy Wikipedia


Minnesota Genealogical Society

Minnesota Historical Society

Minnesota Place Names

Bois Forte Band of Chippewa

City of International Falls

International Falls Chamber of Commerce

Iron Range Research Center

1920 Towns Census

Viet Nam War Casualties Koochiching County


Township Maps

Train Stations


Vintage Postcards

Fort Francis Times Online

Vital Records

Death Certificate Index

Bureau of Land Management

Immigration History Research Center

Ontario, CA Rainy River District


Linda Simpson

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